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Revision is all about finding what works best for you.

Here are a few techniques that you will already no about, but with some suggestions on how to make them more effective and more specific to sociology.

Mind maps

To make these more useful, try the following:

1) Choose a topic (not unit) that you want to revise. (e.g. couples, not the whole of family).

2) Do a mind map as you normally would, without notes and with only colour.


3) Once you've put down everything you can from memory, change colour pens and using your notes or a textbook, add on what you forgot. This technique is helpful for showing you how competent you are with a topic.


4) Now use a third pen to add on AO3. This is because mind maps can be AO1 heavy, which will only get you so far in your exams.


So in your first colour pen you may have "Domestic violence could be considered a result of being materially deprived". In the second, you may add that this was theorised by Wilkinson. And in your third pen you may add on the evaluation that Wilkinson fails to explain why men are usually the perpetrators. 

Flash cards

Love them or hate them, they're convenient and a great way of rehearsing content. To make them more convenient, checkout which allows you to create digital versions as well as some other helpful features.


Whether you do this or prefer actual paper flash cars, you still need to think about how to make them more beneficial.

If you try and do it all at once it'll be difficult and confusing. Try using flash cards for one area of your revision. The best two for sociology are key terms and sociologists. Also, there's no point having 300 cards if you're not going to work through them. Prioritise and target the key terms or theorists that you think are most worthy of taking up place in your memory.


Want a more engaging way of revising key terms and sociologists? Try the A-level Sociology App! Click the link or search on the App Store.

A-level sociology revision aqa app - The Sociology Teacher

Past papers

You'd be foolish if you got to your exam and hadn't looked at a range of past papers. They're essential. In terms of how to go about it, try the following.


1) Go to AQA and do anything from one question to the whole paper.


2) Look at the marks scheme and get into the mind of an examiner. Give yourself a mark.


3) READ THE EXAMINER REPORT. This is the most helpful part of the process as it gives a great insight into what makes a good answer as well as common mistakes. 


4) Give yourself a target. Maybe you need to write quicker or you need to develop your knowledge on an aspect of the topic.


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